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Illness and Health

In the event your child is ill and staying home from school, please notify the nurse's office at # 631-591-4622 or send a note to

With the importance of health and wellness of all students, it's strongly recommended any student with vomiting, diarrhea, severe coughing or sneezing with persistent runny nose to remain home from school until symptoms subside. Any student sent home by the nurse with signs and symptoms of virus or illness are required to remain home from school for 24 hours. With or without a fever present. Any student with a fever must stay home until he/she has no fever for 24 hours without the help of Tylenol or any over the counter pain reliever. 

If your child has been home sick with a more severe illness, they will need a doctor's note that they may return to school. These include Flu, Chicken pox, Mononucleosis, or Strep throat. 

In following these protocols, the spread of viruses can be limited and less school days will be missed for your child. Number one tip in preventing the spread of germs is Wash Your Hands!